Practicum 1B
Clearview Primary School - Te Kura o Mārama
professional goals
Goal 1: Te Tiriti o Waitangi Partnership
Teaching Standard: Demonstrate commitment to tangata whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Action Plan (by the end of this placement I will have):
To have formed an understanding of how tikanga māori and tangata whenuatanga is practiced in the classroom, then develop and demonstrate my commitment to upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in the classroom through integrating mātauranga māori into my teaching practices and through learning sessions.
Weekly Steps:
Week 1
Observing and gather information from my kaiako hapai to form an understanding of how tikanga māori and tangata whenautanga is integrated within their teaching practices so that I can connect and reflect on how ākonga respond to those practices, which enables me to develop my own practices to upholding to Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership as Kaiako.
Further developing partnership with ākonga, whanau and the teaching staff to understand the taonga every ākonga brings in their kete in the classroom.
Week 2
Integrating te reo by continuing the school’s existing karakia, hui waiata and class instructions to show my commitment and respect for the learning environment.
Week 3
Planning and implementing lesson plans that connect to tikanga māori and tangata whenuatanga to demonstrate my commitment as Kaiako to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Week 4
Observing other classrooms and kaiako of how they go about upholding to the Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership.
Goal 2: Design For Learning
Teaching Standard: Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogica knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner's strengths, interests, needs, identity, language and cultures.
Action Plan (by the end of this placement I will have):
Designed and implemented lessons based on curriculum and effective pedagogical approaches that provide me as kaiako to cater to all types of learners and create inclusive, supportive learning environments that result in rich learning outcomes.
Weekly Steps:
Week 1
Continuing to develop my knowledge and awareness of the identities and learning styles of ākonga to better meet their learning needs.
Observing my kaiako hapai to continue my development of effective lesson delivery with rich learning outcomes.
Week 2
Further familiarisation and understanding of the relevant NZ curriculum learning areas to ensure ākonga are being appropriately lead into achieving learning outcomes.
Week 3
Constantly monitoring ākonga's responses to the lesson in order to gauge their understanding and design lessons that are tailored to their needs and prefered learning styles.
Week 4
Observing other classroom and kaiako of how they go about design for learning in their classroom.
Te reo māori goal
To lead my teaching practices that uses and values te reo Māori. Show my commitment through practicing tikanga in classroom, mātauranga Māori and my learning pedagogy.
Weekly Steps
Week 1
Encouraging and promoting te reo Māori as a teaching resource, and as a means of generating new ideas and meeting social and educational goals.
Week 2
Promoting tikanga Māori in classroom such as continuing karakia and waiata.
Week 3
Using mātauranga Māori, tikanga and te reo Māori in innovative and creative ways to support learning and understanding.
Week 4
Continue to encourage te reo māori in their classroom by using positive praises and instructional te reo māori. For example, what are you working on right now (Kei te aha koe).